Thursday, April 28, 2011

His & Hers

We had a relaxing day at Starbucks yesterday working on our (okay, HIS) adoption homework.  I have already finished mine for every session.  You can tell whose homework is whose.  :)  I hope they don't send my homework back saying I wrote too much and they can't read it... because my handwriting is terrible!!  Or send Chad's back and say he didn't write enough (That happened in his classes and on his run reports at work one time...) =o)

I SO want to post the outfits I bought yesterday at Target... but I just cannot... I am afraid y'all will think I'm crazy because we don't even know the age, or if they will fit!  But wish you could see 'em.  :)

When we were at Starbucks we ran into someone we know... We found out that he worked for DHS for 15 years... He asked what we were working on, and as soon as we told him we are going through DHS, he asked, "Why DHS?"  I thought, "Oh no...This is not going to be good."  Before I say anything else, I want to say that I definitely appreciate hearing his experience with the kids and families.  He knows better than anyone!  However, I was a little caught off guard by his being so blunt, as he went on and on about how we should adopt from an agency so we can get a "normal" child.  You could tell he was distressed about us adopting from DHS just from his body language and he kept saying, "I don't know.  I can't explain it."  I tried to explain that our trainers have been very honest and don't sugarcoat anything.  They have said when placed in a loving home, these kids start to grow and thrive.  There are still always going to be issues, but they will change for the better one day at a time.  He said the trainers are trying to get all these kids into homes, which is true... but we have learned that they also want the right family for the particular needs of the child.    

This is someone Chad respects and admires, so I could tell Chad was a little discouraged too.  He had enough of the homework that day, so we packed everything up and left.  We did make a little headway on the homework but still a ways to go until he is caught up.  We still look forward to our training on Saturday.  We are learning a lot and praying a lot.  We know God will direct us to the child he has for us.  We are just trusting.             

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